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Board Update 11/13/2024



Superintendent reports 

Agenda Item 5.0

IL School Report Card Presentation – 5.01 

The Illinois School Report Card presentation showcased incredible milestones and achievements our district has made, as well as highlighted areas for improvement. Highlights include:

  • 75.6% improvement of the school and student groups assessed from the previous year 
  • 64.5% of the school and student groups assessed surpassed the IL reported averages 
  • 13 of 14 schools received a Commendable Summative Designation Rating, with 1 identified as Exemplary 
  • Low Income & English Learner student groups improved results on 11 of 13 and surpassed the IL averages on 12 of 13 categories include in the report 

You can watch the presentation here, and you can view the full Illinois School Report Card report here. The report card is also available to view on https://www.illinoisreportcard.com/.

Board Appreciation/Recognition – 5.02 

On behalf of the administration and all staff, Superintendent Dr. Terri Bresnahan thanked the Board of Education members for their dedication and commitment to our district and communities. 

Monthly Updates – 5.03 

Superintendent Bresnahan provided updates on projects that are currently happening in the District across multiple departments. Key highlights include, but are not limited to:

  • Kindergarten Council underway
  • Certified Evaluations, including informal and formal observations complete
  • Skyward Qmlativ upgrade planning is ongoing for a full system upgrade to occur over next summer

For additional information and to view the full presentation, please click here.


Agenda Item 7.0

2024 Tax Levy Presentation – 7.01 

The 2024 Tax Levy presentation discussed the levy process, provided an overview on Equalized Assessed Value (EAV) and tax rates, gave insight into the FY25 commercial/industrial vs. residential tax percentages, and the 2024 proposed summary.

The District recommends the proposed levy (ask) is 3.87% more than the prior year’s extension excluding debt service costs. This takes into account high inflation, the collective bargaining agreement, curricular needs, and facility updates. During the December 11, 2024 Board of Education meeting, action will take place to approve or disapprove of the proposed levy amount.  

For additional information and to view the full presentation, please click here.

Public Hearing on 2024 Tax Levy – 7.02 

The public hearing on the 2024 tax levy can be viewed here.


Agenda Item 8.0

Approval of Policies Recommended by IASB – 8.01 

The Illinois Association of School Boards (IASB) provides regular updates of policies to ensure legal compliance. The policy review and up for approval by the board was specific to the IASB press update policy. 

The board approved the recommended revisions. 

Approval of Intergovernmental Agreement with D214 – 8.02

The intergovernmental agreement with District 214 has been tailored in regards to data sharing and analysis, noting the expectations and responsibilities each district has to protect both parties in their work with the community, parents, and students. 

The board approved the agreement with District 214. 

Approval of Operation Warm Donation to John Jay Elementary School – 8.03 

Operation Warm, Inc. provides winter coats for millions of children across North America. Operation Warm, Inc. donated 396 new winter coats to students at John Jay Elementary School. If all the winter coats were not needed, the remaining coats will be donated to the Community Cares Closet. The donation of the winter coats has an estimated value of $9,900. 

The board approved the donation from Operation Warm, Inc. to John Jay Elementary School. 

Approval of Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago Donation to Clearmont Elementary School – 8.04 

The Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago has donated $1,900 to Clearmont Elementary School to be used to cover the cost of books given to all art contest participants and to cover the cost for the performing group, Lajkonik. 

The board has approved the donation from the Consulate General of the Republic of Poland in Chicago in the amount of $1,900. 


Agenda Item 9.0

2025/2026 Calendars/Holidays – 9.01 

Each year, the Board of Education reviews and approves the school calendar, including holidays, for the upcoming school year. The calendar is developed in accordance with the requirements set forth by the Illinois State Board of Education (ISBE) and the district’s collective bargaining agreements. 

For the 2025-26 school year, no significant changes are being proposed for either the traditional or balanced calendars. The draft for the traditional calendar includes a start date of August 14, 2025, for students in grades 1-5, and August 15, 2025, for Kindergarten. The balanced calendar draft proposes a start date of July 24, 2025, for students in grades 1-5, and July 25, 2025, for Kindergarten. The holiday schedule remains mostly the same, with the exception of the General Election Holiday, which does not apply for the 2024-2025 school year. 

For more information you can watch the discussion here

Program Fee For Typically Developing Preschool Students: 25-26 School Year – 9.02 

The district currently offers a five day program at the following cost: $279.50 per month ($1,487.50 per semester, $2,975 per year). 

The administration recommends no increase to the daily rate for 2025-26. Families are required to pay the first month fee at the time of confirmation of placement in the program, with a family eligible for a refund of the first month payment through July 31, 2025. Tuition may be subsidized depending on family income. The district will investigate additional changes in order to maximize the preschool program to its fullest capacity. 

For more information you can watch the discussion here.

K-8 Instructional Materials Fees: 25-26 School Year – 9.03 

The Board of Education will be asked to continue with the elimination of instructional material fees for the 2025-26 school year. Instructional fees were reinstated for the 2018-19 school year at the established 2013-14 rate to offset instructional materials and supply costs. In 2021-22 through 2024-25 school year these fees were once again eliminated. 

For more information you can watch the discussion here

Junior High School Extra-Curricular Participation Fees: 25-26 School Year – 9.04 

The Board of Education will be asked to authorize the Junior High School extracurricular participation fee for the 2025-26 school term to offset a portion of the cost of materials and supplies. 

The administration is recommending a freeze for the 2025-26 school year. 

For more information you can watch the discussion here

Paper Bid Summary – 9.05 

CCSD59 issues a paper bid yearly for a quantity projected to meet one year’s needs. The quantity stipulated in the bid is the best estimate to enable the vendor to determine a fair price. However, the district is not required to purchase a specific quantity and may order more or less as needed. 

The price of paper has increased by 0.00323% compared to last year. Therefore we recommend purchasing paper through Murnane Paper for xerographic and Veritiv Operating Company for vellum. 

For more information you can watch the discussion here

Wold Proposal for Long Range Facilities Planning – 9.06 

Wold has presented the district with a long range facility plan based on the recommendations from the curricular facilities study. The timeline will be to start the process in January, with a completion in October of 2025. It will be introduced into four phases, with a cost of $35,000 plus reimbursables. This will also supplement the Ten Year Facility Plan.  

For more information you can watch the discussion here

NSSEO Facility Planning – 9.07 

CCSD59 is a member of the Northwest Suburban Special Education Organization (NSSEO). One of their buildings is in need of a new HVAC system. After bidding and fees, the overall cost for the mechanical upgrades comes to a total of $7,040,021. NSSEO would like to vote to approve or reject the official bid documents at their December 4 meeting. 

CCSD59 would owe a portion of the work, paid out over time. Next year’s amount would be $115,800 for CCSD59.  

For more information you can watch the discussion here


Agenda Item 11.0

IASB 2024 Resolutions Committee Report – 11.01 

Board members discussed and voted as a group on resolutions presented by the IASB.

For additional information you can watch the discussion here.


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